Doctor Franca van der Smit is an orthomolecular lifestyle doctor. For as long as she can remember, she has always been passionate about health. When she was 16 she was diagnosed with spastic bowel (irritable bowel syndrome, PDS), since then her search for the solution to this started. She started her working career after studying medicine as a cosmetic doctor KNMG at Velthuis Clinic. She soon realised that real beauty, however cliché. comes from within. This fact motivated her to study orthomolecular nutrition and supplements. Within this study, she got answers to many of her health issues. She started her own practice REFLEQT clinic in Haarlem to transfer this knowledge to her patients (and professionals). She has been successfully treating patients with all kinds of health complaints for almost 10 years now. By continuing to study (conferences, keeping up with scientific literature and training courses at home and abroad), she discovered that a genetic mutation often underlies the intestinal complaints she experienced herself but also those she diagnosed in her patients. This genetic mutation (in the FUT2 gene) occurs in 1 in 5 people worldwide. So these people, like herself, are susceptible to developing intestinal complaints. In the worst case, this leads (without treatment or lifestyle modification) to Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

‘All disease begins in the gut’

There is increasing scientific evidence for this. When the intestines are affected by such a genetic mutation, you see that over time, in addition to the intestinal complaints themselves, chronic health problems develop. These range from fatigue, susceptibility to stress, fibromyalgia, immune system problems (poor resistance, being sick a lot) to depression. All complaints that we can reduce or even completely eliminate by detecting and treating this genetic mutation. Because there was no affordable and patient-friendly test to detect this genetic mutation, Franca took matters into her own hands. She developed the 2FL gene test (to measure the FUT2 mutation) with a renowned laboratory in Germany. If it turns out you have this mutation, you do well to take 2-FUCOSYLLACTOSE. This supplement was also poorly available in its purest form. By necessity to treat herself but also her patients, she developed the purest (bio identical) 2-fucoyllactose supplement. Both now available on this website. 'The discovery of this FUT2 mutation and how to treat it (including taking 2- fucosyllactose) has permanently changed my life. From always sick to always better'.

I really wish this for everyone!
Do you have intestinal or other health problems and want to know what causes it? Do the 2FL gene test. Do you have any questions? Feel free to email me at

‘It is my mission to make people more beautiful and healthier’

Healthy Greetings,

Doctor Franca van der Smit