+31 (0)85 303 8459
Wagenweg 252
2012 NP Haarlem
The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce no: 94624593
VAT no: NL866840618B01
Doctor Franca van der Smit is an orthomolecular lifestyle doctor. As long as she can remember, she has always been passionate about health. At the age of 16, she was diagnosed with spastic colon (irritable bowel, IBS), since then her search for a solution for this has begun. She started her career after her medical studies as a cosmetic doctor KNMG at the Velthuis Clinic. She soon discovered that true beauty, however cliché, comes from within. This fact motivated her to study orthomolecular nutrition and supplements. Within this study she received answers to many of her questions in the field of health. She started her own practice REFLEQT clinic in Haarlem to be able to transfer this knowledge to her patients (and professionals). She has been successfully treating patients with all kinds of health complaints for almost 10 years. By continuing to delve deeper (conferences, keeping up with scientific literature and training courses at home and abroad) she discovered that a genetic mutation often underlies the intestinal complaints that she herself experienced but also those that she diagnosed in her patients. This genetic mutation (in the FUT2 gene) occurs in 1 in 5 people worldwide. These people are therefore, just like herself, susceptible to developing intestinal complaints. In the worst case, this leads (without treatment or lifestyle adjustment) to Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
Er is steeds meer wetenschappelijk bewijs hiervoor. Wanneer de darmen worden aangetast door zo’n genetische mutatie, zie je dat er op den duur, naast de darmklachten zelf, ook chronische gezondheidsklachten ontstaan. Dit varieert van vermoeidheid, stressgevoeligheid, fibromyalgie, problemen met het immuunsysteem (slechte weerstand, veel ziek zijn) tot depressie. Allemaal klachten die we kunnen verminderen of zelfs helemaal kunnen wegnemen door deze genetische mutatie op te sporen en te behandelen. Omdat er geen betaalbare en patiëntvriendelijke test was om deze genetische mutatie op te sporen, nam Franca het heft in eigen handen. Ze ontwikkelde de 2FL-gentest (om de FUT2-mutatie te meten) met een gerenommeerd laboratorium in Duitsland. Als je deze mutatie blijkt te hebben, doe je er goed aan om je voeding en leefstijl aan te passen en bepaalde supplement(en) in te nemen. Dit supplement was ook moeilijk te vinden in de zuiverste lichaamseigen vorm. Gedwongen om zichzelf en haar patiënten te behandelen, ontwikkelde ze het zuiverste (bio-identieke) 2-fucoyllactose-supplement. Beide zijn nu verkrijgbaar op deze website. ‘De ontdekking van deze FUT2-mutatie en de behandeling ervan (inclusief inname van 2-fucosyllactose) heeft mijn leven voorgoed veranderd. Van altijd ziek naar altijd beter’.
I wish this to everyone!
Heb je darmklachten of andere gezondheidsklachten en wil je weten wat de oorzaak hiervan is? Doe dan de 2FL-gentest.
Heb je vragen? Mail me gerust op
‘Het is mijn missie om mensen mooier en gezonder te maken’
Healthy greetings,
Doctor Franca van der Smit
Overall, I am very pleased with my experience with the 2FL dietary supplement. It has helped me improve my overall health and feel better, both physically and mentally. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a quality dietary supplement to support their health.
Since I started taking the 2FL supplement, I have noticed that my immune system seems to be stronger. I get sick less often and when I do get sick, I recover faster than before.
As for side effects, I have not had any negative experiences with this supplement. I have used it consistently according to the recommended dosage and have not experienced any side effects.
As someone who is always looking for ways to optimize my health, I am constantly on the lookout for high-quality nutritional supplements that can really make a difference. I recently started using the 2FL nutritional supplement, and I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by the results I have experienced.
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
As from € 50,=
From The Netherlands
For body & mind
+31 (0)85 303 8459
Wagenweg 252
2012 NP Haarlem
The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce no: 94624593
VAT no: NL866840618B01